Monday, March 9, 2009

Cameron + Genting Trip Jan 09 (1)

Disclaimer: If you are viewing this from Facebook . Do note that I'm using Phlook to upload my photos so facebook is not able to import the photos :) So just click on view original post and you will see them :D

Whee ah hem ... 2 months ago I went on a Cameron trip and somehow ended up extending my trip 2 more days by going up to Gentings =D
Basically I wasn't very happy with my trip's itinerary . There was so much miscommunication and blunders that I felt could be avoided but due to us being KUKUs at traveling like a backpacker so mistakes ran amok and time was wasted unduly . Alright enough of being a whiney donkey . Heehees

Alright this trip started out planned as a road trip with frens who would have drove up to cameron with us .. but as life depicts some things can happen overnight . ( Condolences to this particular friend . not that I bo sim or what but I really can't remember who passed away in her family and I do not wish to sound daft by anyhow stating so yea)

So instead bus tickets was booked and seems like quite a number of buses were going up to Cameron but we choose Five Stars . I paid for the seats of a 26 seater bus . Supposedly cram and uncomfortable but cheap . Well boy was I surprised when we went to catch the bus at Golden Mile complex . We were upgraded to a 16 Seater Double Decker Bus which was supposed to cost me double the price I paid at NO EXTRA CHARGE !! I ask the lady as to why we were upgraded , She said it was because there was no one else had bought the 26 seater bus ticket except us so it didn't seem cost efficient to send out 2 buses up to cameron so we were upgraded instead. Woohooo .. Sounds like a good trip ? I bet !! LOLz I really did enjoy the bus ride BUT since there was only 5 people (including us) going to Cameron ... the entire bus was quite deserted LOLz . The bus was very comfortable compare with my Grassland experience . Through the night there was only like 2 stops I think .. I was awake for the 1st Rest and Relax pitstop but was drowsing On and Off for the rest of the trip .

We arrived at Brinchang (Bring-Zhang) One of their towns .. the bigger town I would like to refer to as the Bigger town LOLz (PS my own reference DO not quote ok x_x) . There is another town Tanah Rata on the other side . Brinchang altho is stated as a town .. Don't expect too much .. Its not even bigger then our IMM .

When we got out of the bus ...

And in our Grogginess from being rouse from our sleep we saw this very cute jeep that had stripes all over it.

Anyway for people who have trouble getting used to their local fare . There is always KFC to the rescue !

The Frontal View of the bus we arrived in !

The Back View Heehees !

The icons show what the bus is equipped with ..

For your info .. none of whatever so in there is working . The only thing working is the reclining chair hahaha ... Maybe there was so "many" of us that the driver saw no need to on the entertainments . I was abit sad tho , thought I could at least play their inbus games :(
Anyway the bus stopped at brinchang for us to have a half hour break to wash up have breakfast just outside this travel agency (TiTiWangSa) . Toilets that they provided was clean . (Clean was good enough for me having endure china's winter cold nipping at my butts while there is no doors in their toilet .. digressing LOLz )
Anyhow the morning was damn cold ..

The sky haven't fully light up yet and I was up and about le ..

The temperature up there my guess was its around 18~20 degrees or even lower . I brought only ONE miserable jacket and thot it would suffice but I had to LIVE in that jacket for the next few days ..

A very nice color . BTW this flower was just by the road .

After we finish having our breakfast we ambled back to the bus where we had left our belongings thinking that it will sent us to our resort (BTW we were staying at Strawberry Park Resort) . But we were visited by the person in charge of TiTiWangSa (please don't read this as Tit-I-Wang-sa ..Its Ti-Ti-Wang-Sa)got on the bus and started doing abit of a push sales on their cameron tours. The lady is quite nice actually she was very helpful SO if you ever go to cameron and get into trouble I guess you should go find her . She would be able to help solve MOST of your problems . Oh the agency also provides a free shuttle service for those tourist who have problems getting back to their hotel after dinner or what . They provide sort of a shuttle bus service to send you back to your hotels/resort at a fix rate but sadly the shuttle services only run at a fix time ..

So after the short talk about their tours and giving us basic information on their taxi fares and how to get about their towns and also their weekend pasar malam . This only happens on WEEKENDS meaning Sat and Sun only so do plan your trip on weekends so you can have a happy walk savouring their pasar malam foods after dinner . The only thing i can't grasp is that the night market might be held at brinchang OR tanah rata .. which I have no idea when is where ..

Anyhow we were bundled into a mini van to chauffeur us further UP to our resort the Strawberry Park Resort . On the way up then i realise why we had to change to a smaller mini bus instead of the original bus to send us in . The road IS DAMN FUCKING SMALL AND WINDING . It really allows ONLY TWO vehicles to SKIM past each other so if you are not careful and end up traveling OFF the road well .. its a slope on one side of the road .. HAHAHA~

Upon reaching Strawberry Park resort . I realised that we were too EARLY !! The check in time was 3pm in the afternoon .. we totally blew it and arrive at around 11am i think .

Their reception ! Waiting Ensures

Well DO NOT I repeat DO NOT be alarm at their slow poke ways .. Its their way of life so we singaporeans are a tad too gan chiong for them . Anyway while i waited I went around snapping Photos ;)

Their Lamps at their Lobby

The lobby from outside

Aunties yelling from the balcony to other aunties in the carpark

Don't be cheated by the size of this road . It only leads to the resorts rooms/buildings

Now Some random views across their Resort

A little humming bird i saw among the bushes

After waiting for about 45mins we finally got the key to our room ! So off we go Climbing the slope up to our block .. Its not a very steep slope but to juggle our luaggage and climb the slope made me kinda tired ..

I was quite surprise at how the room turn out to be but was disappointed that there wasn't any kitchen available

As we walk in thru the door ...

A Balcony with a gorgeous view

A small room with sliding door . We deduce that they change the kitchen into a maid's room

Another room . Look cramp but to me quite alright =)

Another Room supposedly the Master Bedroom . Spacious but Sliding door that opens to the living room area

A clearer View of the living room

The toilet . Sadly No Bath Tub ..

Toiletries are provided But do remember to bring your own toothbrush n paste

They have Wifi . Charges as apply LOLz

The entertainment factor is not that big at Cameron so you might want to consider bring your lappy to do some net surfing if you feel that you might be bored , whatever tickles your fancy heehee Oh they also have a VCD machine together with the TV so maybe you can bring along a few movie flicks to watch or something But there is their cable channels so I dun really see the need to bring along any VCDs .

A Mini Fridge and A water Boiler

Although there wasn't a kitchen . They did have a mini fridge and a water boiler ! So cup noodles still work around here .

The Balcony was quite clean surprisingly

The Gorgeous View from our balcony

The Clouds were very pretty

There was no need for aircon . As long as the balcony and windows was open . Most of the time we were wrapping ourself in jackets n long pants . Its really very cold especially at night ! So if ever going to cameron Do note to bring a thicker jacket !

So after exploring and nua-ing here and there. The time flew by and we were hungry . hotel food was expensive and we wanted to try their local food so .. We had to go to the reception to get them to call a cab for us . The cab for a one way trip down to Brinchang was RM $12 (Standard Pricing) . Its either we walk the long and winding road down or you pay for someone to come chauffeur you . If you drove yourself there then better still LOLz

Small Girl Sulking

She was damn cute and she was in one small corner sulking refused to talk to her dad . At first i didn't see her at all .. I just saw her dad facing a wall talking .After which someone told me that there was a small girl standing there sulking .. i couldn't help myself but took a pic of her LOLz ..

Then after the cab arrived everything happened whirlwind fast .. i think we were too hungry to think properly . We ate zi char Ordering a few dishes and it was actually delicious or maybe we were too hungry LOLz .I didn't stop to think about taking any pics until after we cleaned out the plates :x

The last piece of Thai sauce Crispy Chicken

It was really good yum yum .. makes me salivate just thinking of it hohoho ..

Cleaned Out !

After dinner we went for a short walk around the town as it was a friday night .. there wasn't any night market so we went into one of the largest provision shop run by indians and bought quite a number of tibits and cute little medical supplies . LOLz

Midnight snacks

Notice how puffy the packets of tibits were .. its the altitude that causes it to expand . Quite cute actually like puff balls .
Oh the BIG ASS drink ? the tap wasn't running clear water and even after boiling the water it remain yellowish . So we had to buy this huge ass water for consumtion and washing up . Bathing water was alright but water from the sink tap was yellowish so i guess that the pipe to sink must have rusted or something . *shrugs*

Medical Supplies

The small little tubs of tiger balm was damn cute !! i couldn't resist LOLz ..
and they were available in a few "flavours" .. well i don't really use this kinda balm maybe in future i might but the packaging was so small and cute i just couldn't resist.

So after shopping and eating . We pig out and concuss for the night ~

The next morn we were expecting my aunt to join us at cameron . She had a company annual dinner or something so she couldn't join us the previous night . So she ended up taking another bus up to cameron by herself :x
The morning air were crisp and fresh and cold .. but its really nice to wake up to crisp cold air and the air smell clean ^-^ . Don't ask me how clean feels like i dunno how to describe .

Window's view out of Maid's Room

Surprising quite a number of cars turn out to be singapore cars but most of them left early in the morning even be4 we woke up :(
Well my aunt reached and tabao us breakfast from brinchang . We went around for a short walk around the vicinity to explore and also to wait and pay the Titiwangsa lady for our tour .

A playground for children ..

At the entrance to the spa , a huge vase with numerous petals

Exploring the Spa

Pay up and you can have a jacuzzi bath with a view to die for :x

We took up the most basic tour from titiwangsa which consist of most of the cameron's attractions . There were a couple of other tours like the rafflesia hike (not guarantee to see the flower) , Night walks , Farming tours , hiking tours (ranging from beginners to expert) . We took the basic to visit flower farms , bees farm ,insect park , tea plantation and .. something else i can't remember .. I was pretty disappointed with the tour actually .. As i had been up to cameron on another trip and had taken an almost similar trip which was book from the hotel and the hotel actually brought us to better places then the titiwangsa .Note there are alot of flowers farm , insect farm , bees farm and strawberry park . titiwangsa i believe only brought us to the cheaper ones and the better parks and farms are possibly thru the hotel concierge. Anyway it was a good way to pass some time to take photos and get chauffeur around the attractions . We book the tour for 2pm++ so we while our time away watching tv .

First stop ! Temple .
LOLz dun ask me what temple i've conveniently forgotten . Heehees
but the weather wasn't looking very good at the particular moment :(

Gloomy Looking weather

Ohohoho~ I will continue this post as soon as i can :)

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