Friday, December 18, 2009

TGIF!! 1 more day till Empress comes back!!

Time flies….. I really meant literally flies at light speed.

In time I would be out of job again. But in the meantime I better enjoy while I still can….

I’ve been going on and on regarding how my workplace is jamming/blocking webbies with this pissy Prism software.

I was very piss off abt it actually, but hey~ you know there is always a way around everything. I found this online webgame (yes its in Chinese).

It wasn’t blocked I was estactic. I can’t do much as its just a clicking game but still I enjoyed clicking their “Training” button and leave it to run

Then alt tab back and look at the fun stuffs I get… minus their pictures LOLz!!!

And then when I’m on break time I will visit this particular webbie that host online mangas WOOT!, To date I’ve read like a few dozens of manga already…. From Katekyo Hitman Reborn to Claymore, now I’m currently on the Yakitate JaPan! Moving on to others when I finish up Yakitate Japan;D

This is life! Work + Play makes Randi a fun girl!! Woohoo.

Anyone have plans for Christmas? I’m currently in such a stinking hibernating mode that I dun feel like doing anything for Christmas except sleep.

Somehow LOLz.

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