Monday, April 11, 2011

My fight with blackhead .....

It's been a damn long time since I last updated my blog? I don't think it's even considered a blog anymore LOL~
But Who gives a flying ****? I don't hahaha~

Anyhow I'm blogging this on a whim so read if you want to or you can click the "little red X" at the top right corner :p

OKAYS! Down to the peeling stuff.

What exactly do you used for your blackheads?
I've tried numerous brands (exaggeration) But I chance upon some little tubes that helps me alot!

First up, always start with a cleanse face. It will be better if you can do a scrub too! Sorta cleans up dead skin cells. Though it's not a must. I started my "nose fight" regiment with just a cleansed face.

First : PDC Lepoze Hot Esthe Gel

I will then put this little baby one my nose. It has little black beads which will make the gel looks dirty.
I just have to keep rubbing this around the area where I have blackheads so that it will "open" up the pores.
This gel like texture will turn watery after a short while of rubbing, you will also feel a heated sensation after the black beads dissolve.
After which the watery substance can be wiped off with a tissue/cotton wool (which ever one you fancy).

Second : The Face Shop White Mud Nose Pack

This one beats all those nose pack / nose sheet hands down.
I Love this baby so much I will stock up if its on sale.
Anyhow apply generously around your nose area. I tend to spill a bit onto the area beneath my eyes.
Reasons for my generous application are that it is hard to find a good peel of mask that works for peeling off blackheads, this little tube cost like less then $12 or lesser when on sale so why stinge?
This tube last me for like more then 10 applications (generously splattered on).
I only use this for my nose as for me I've tried it on other part of my face like my cheeks and the area between my mouth and chin.... sadly doesn't work as well as it's on the nose.

Third : ZA T-Zone Peel Off Mask

Although this states that its T-Zone peel-off mask (obviously for the nose) I find that it doesn't work as well as The Face Shop White Mud Nose Pack.
But this little tube works wonders for other areas like the forehead, cheeks and chin area. What i like about this is that it also seems to "shrinks" the pores and it does wonders for those cheek's blackhead AND your facial hair!
Yes this mask is so strong that it even removes your facial hair.
It hurts when you peel this mask off.. but i guess the smoothness of having lesser facial hair makes up for the pain...
I don't really apply very generously with this tube as the mask is harder to dry and I'm not able to do a very even job of applying it so sometimes I will have parts of the mask dried and other parts still wet which is quite a hassle.
This mask has a very TIGHT pull when it dries so it MUST be removed once it dries.
But I'm satisfied with the result that it produces so I've been using it for quite a while.

And the result!

This one came from my nose. Oh My way of peeling this off is to start from the nostril area. Peeling it upwards.
I've tried peeling it from top down (from between eyes first) it doesn't gives me as much result as peeling it from bottoms up (from Nostril or two sides of the flare).
Note that this piece is very opaque which probably you can gauge how much I splatter on.

This one is from one side of my cheeks ... don't ask me which side... i forgot LOL~ but as you see there are also a number of blackheads/whatever shit being pulled out. I don't think you can see the facial hair tho...


PS: I'm not doing any advertorials. I'm just sharing somethings that I find that is a good buy. That's all.

Disclaimer: Results might differ on individuals.

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