Thursday, February 5, 2009

CNY !!

Its always a buffet at my CNY reunion dinner . I know I look forward to the big spread i know my mum will always prepare . Together with pig's stomache soup which is basically an essential commodity during reunion dinner ! :D So basically the spread of food is insane . I remembered one year we had so much food that our table basically cannot fit and we had to stack them ontop of each other (steamboats ingredient raw la so able to stack LOL) . Well my mum has been holding back on the amt of food this year but it still manage to covers my entire table and between 7 people there for the reunion dinner ... we still couldn't finish everything LOL !
The table wasn't finish setting and all of us were eyeing the food already ! LOLz
Part of the table LOLz see how much food there is >.<

My uncles and auntie who had join us for reunion dinner . Its a blast to have them around . Jokes and makan time :) . Everyone was engrossed on the food and I was engrossed in taking photos LOLz ~~
Tadaaa !! Our master chef . Our very bloated stomachs is from the various ingredients that is so yummy and so not steamboat LOL . To rattle off some that i love is Cheese Tofu , Thinly Sliced Roasted Chicken .. she even bought various different veggies so we can erm BBQ the meat and 'giap' them in between the vege .. you know like the koreans . Real cool !


Well Every year ppl go house visiting right ? My extended family (dad's side) is too huge .. so we have a sorta like gather on the 2nd day of CNY every year at an allocated auntie/uncle 's house . You won't be able to imagine the amt of people who turns up .. the good thing is some relatives will stay around for a short amt of time .. i shudder to think if ALL of them decided to stay around for a long long time LOL ...
The youngster will try to find a place to hide or a place where there is gambling going on . We used to do that every year when we meet up . But seems like everyone has out grown the gambling part and this year was even more eccentric . All of us just crowded into 1 bedroom and sit around watch the New Year's Eve celebration rerun on a 14" TV .... The elders will pop in once a while to give ang baos and also to check see how many are around .. LOLz
Cam whoring while doing nothing and basically waiting for food ? LOLz . The food was actually set up long ago .. we just didn't want to go downstairs to eat . you will know why in a while >.<
Part of the buffet spread already set up .. You must be wondering what the hell need a buffet spread for what .. usually people just cook . Well .. as I've said ... my extended family is HUGE .. Humongous ...Kua Kua !! See see ..!! Some pool souls didn't even have a proper seat to eat ok ! . Must sit on the staircase and makan .. so poor thing right ?! And this photo was taken at the time where MOST of the people haven't arrive yet ...The entire buffet spread .. Not inclusive of the extra desert and some speciality dishes my elders have whipped up .... BTW there was only enuff space for 1 single file to take food LOLz ... behind also got peoply filled up the seats .. even the balcony had a table opened and 2 families were enjoying their food there (about 6~8 ppl) Sigh ... My cousins and aunties streaming and milling about trying to get into the house and also to give out ang baos !In case you are wondering .. that guy in checkered shirt is actually my nephew .. Arghh i sound so old just saying it .. Some children also waited eagerly at the staircase so ppl can give them ang bao as they walk by LOL !! ..Dining table also filled to the brim LOL ! Erm .. my uncle , auntie , cousin , niece ...just to name a few .. HAHAHAHA Happen to catch them chatting and i like this photo :) Okays la enough of the Kok's Family Huge New year's Bash . Now i shall show you some new additions to our extended Family ! Cute Buttons they are ;DErm ... i can't remember exactly her name ... Madelyn ? hmm Will have to ask my cousin again ..
Another cousin's 2nd baby boy . Dylan ! heehees .. not to be rude but I remembered his name is because .. my SO's pet is named Dylan ... No offense LOL! This boy I would love to just pinch him on his full cheeks >.<

Okays la with this i shall end this post le la. ... can you imagine .. I doze off in the middle of posting .. tsk ...

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