Friday, February 6, 2009

25 Random Things ..

I was tagged in facebook for this .. I figure it might be fun so why not . I mean I've too much free time on my hand (NOT) ... I can't remember the last time i did something like this ... well here goes ...

  1. I love trashy romance novels or funny chic novels or any good read , Doesn't matter chinese / english novels as long as it trashy weepy funny enticing , I want to read it .

  2. I like to experiment with different kinds of make up in the privacy of my room (so that even if i turns out hideous i can still remove it with my Makeup removal wipes without scaring people)

  3. I have a penchant for bags . Any kind of bags . hobo , Clutch , sling , purse ,etc

  4. I love things that are unique , But if it becomes too common I will lose my interest in it .

  5. I'm a big weepy . Be it movies , cartoons or dramas .. I'll bawl my eyes off if i find it romantic / Sad (which is why i will NEVER watch those donation drive programmes on TV . I will go thru the whole box of tissue paper)

  6. I love to go on trips to cold country but I can NEVER stand bathing in cold water . Even in sunny singapore I bath in a steaming hot water .

  7. I have not step into a movie theatre for MONTHS due to my resentment of ignorant bastards/bitches who chitchat in movies theatre . (You can YAK all you want in a cafe why choose to do it in a place which requires silence ? especially those people who have watch the film be4 and promptly goes to story tell the ending . I've asked someone beside me IF she would like to tell me the story of the movie when she was going ON and ON and ON about the plots .)

  8. I have a strong stomach and heart for any rides that's terrifying to people . Its hard getting anyone who have the same taste for thrill rides . Tower drops , Rollar coaster , 360 Twist turn , etc etc.

  9. I'm not afraid of heights but I mildy afraid of the thoughts I have when i'm at high open areas , I will envision myself falling/jumping off .

  10. I love horror films . But i'm disturb by gore films like SAW and HOSTEL . I feel like gagging at the thought of human inflicting the sickest injury . I seem to have no problem if its the supernatural doing it )

  11. I'm a bedroom singer . ( I sing along loudly to any songs i have playing on my pc in my room when i'm alone )

  12. My ECA ( or CCA they called it now) was Chinese dance , Libarian and MultiMedia . Apparently I don't look/sound like the kind who will prance around in little red shoes or sit and file books quietly .

  13. I'm proficient in Oil painting , Acrylics , crayons , watercolor and Chinese Calligraphy ( but i've grown rusty )

  14. I have a tendancy to gag/vomit at the first whiff of AXE OIL . (Don't tell me its a mind thing And if i can stop thinking about it i will not vomit . I get angry when people tell me that . Its not something i can control. You think i like to vomit infront of crowd just because an uncle/auntie walk past reeking of AXE OIL ?)

  15. I can be quite a loner if and when I want to . Times when I don't feel like seeing anyone / going out , I will just stay home to read either books/manga/plainly surf net

  16. I cannot remember any road names or route to anywhere but I have the uncanny ability to go back to any place using landmarks or memories that I've been to . (Eg . I won't remember my friends blk no or house no but I will remember the way there somehow)

  17. I HATE kiasu aunties who don't let me get off the MRT be4 they board . I usually just push and bump my way out and due to my size I will always win LOLz .

  18. I love high heels / Stilettoes . But i don't wear them unless its a special occasion / If I feel like it

  19. I cannot and will not live without aircon .(unless i'm living in a country which have 4 seasons)

  20. blurrybaby & isseysnowy are nicks that I've been using since I was 17 . Its my act cute nicks during that era and It has grown on me since . (so stop giving me the "wah lau so old liao still act cute with nick" . Dammit my nick was with me even be4 you got out of your diapers so chew on it .)

  21. Half my room has books/manga lying around

  22. My pc table is my personal table filled to the brim with skin care products and makeups . I do my make up , Nails painting and mask all right in front of the PC .

  23. I have low tolerance for inconsiderate people . (Eg . who talks loudly on phones , who leans on MRT poles when everyone else needs to hold onto the pole , who acts like Mr/Ms Knows it all , who is an attention seeker by squealing/laughing loudly trying for attention of guys , who behaves like i own him/her my existence)

  24. I don't like the sun AT all . I avoid all sun activities if i can .

  25. My curtains have not been touch at all ( the only time i touch them is when i change them for wash which is a yearly event)

So there .. Its was fun trying to remember little tibits of things that might amuse you guys , so enjoy it while it last LOLz !

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