Sunday, February 8, 2009

Food for thots

Well recently I've been on a couple of short trips into Malaysia . I haven't got around to editing the photos yet . I'll get around to it I hope >.<

The Malacca's Satay Celup ( Lok Lok ) Quite an interesting dinner if you ever go Malacca and a MUST try ;)
To start you gotta wait for the whole pot of satay sauce to boil before putting in your preferred stick to cook . After which you just put it into your mouth and eat it la .. duh ..

Anyway this was the 2nd time I ate this so its not a novelty to me . And the waiting time to have this for dinner is really too much . This restaurant (kopitiam style) we went to is located in Malacca town itself . Which part ? Don't ask me . I'm not the driver . Anwae we queue for about 2+ hours to get a seat (not me I jump at the chance to go to the opposite road's kopitiam for a drink while others queue ... ) The queue did not falter at all even after we finished our meal >.< Scary right ? LOLz

To end the dinner with a fresh coconut drink is extremely fulfilling !
So if you ever go to malacca its a MUST try but i'm pretty sure I've been brought to another area where the waiting time is much much lesser . ;)

The Lok Lok restaurant in SG is not as authentic . SG Lok Lok lets you cook your skewered food in a pot of water/soup then provides you with the satay sauce as dip . The one in malacca you have to actually cook your food IN satay sauce . So don't pass up the chance to try the authentic Lok Lok in malacca if you are ever contemplating a trip there =D

Disclaimer : I took these photos using my HP thus it will not be as clear . Deal with it :p

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