Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I wish ...

At time like this .. I wished for 48Hours in a day rather then 24...
I've been so muddled recently that I have been caught at the end of the day thinking ..
What have I did during the day ? .. Seemingly I have an endless list of things to do ...

I've tons of photos I wanna upload . Photos from my trip to Cameron/Genting . Photos that I had taken randomly . Urgghh What did i spend my day doing that I totally missed out doing things that I wanted to do >.<

Its like I have this amnesia thingy going on during the day . When the night pops I will randomly remember I want to go to the bank OR I will remember that I was supposed to get my flea market stuff settled as well .. I keep forgetting to pay my hand phone bill as well URGH ..

Sigh I need a little gadget secretary that will shout out things i need to get done at random times in the day ... >.< LOLz so I will not be able to ignore it and forget about it T_T

Right enough rambling I better get to editing my photos .. like i said TONS of photos .. Sigh crappy :/

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