Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sentosa Flowers 09 花花花~

Well well I finally finish the photos for the Sentosa Flowers 2009.

Frankly speaking , the exhibition wasn't up to my expectations . Previously when ever my parents went to the exhibit they would come back with loads of pretty pics . It seems like this year the amount of flowers have dwindled . It might be due to the date I went to the exhibit too (Was the last 2nd day when I went) .

Some of the flowers were wilting and some of the flowers weren't as glorious as it should be but the flowers were still a sight to behold =)
Now to the flowers ;)

The grand entrance when we got off the tram .

This whole wall is completely covered in flowers . Ppl were queueing up to take picture with it . LOLz

This small erm cascade is right infront of the Merlion

Please don't ask me what specimen of flower is that .. I have no idea

Even the pillars/lamp-post had pretty designs on them

A close up of the pretty coverings

The colors are so vivid

I'm impressed with the lotus blossom

Our little mascot / Attention grabber was also intrigue not by the flowers but by the crowd of humans and bees

Here we go a planting rice ~

Now its ready for harvast !!

Even the bees couldn't resist the lure of gorgeous flowers

Clear beautiful skies=Sweating Pig(me).Thanks for bearing with me all
because I was whining and complaining about the heat :(

Its the year of the cows So something festive and the queue to take photos with tham was outrageous

Swans made out of flowers , how pretty can it get ?

Along the railings there were Balls of Flowers on the railing post ,A flowered walkway indeed

I loved how this photo turns out,the sunflowers were really beautiful . I'm glad i didn't do it injustice with my ameturish phototaking skills

So .. were pinapples supposed to be red before they ripen ?

Auntie I want to be push around in a stroller too !!

Bees and Butterflies flock around ..

Dainty little white flowers

I'm not sure how the photo turns out to be in this kind of shade but it looks kinda pretty to me

Hibiscus in white , There I finally remember a flower LOLz

*No smoking .. damn I better put back the 'grass'* (Pun)

Happy Valentines to everyone !!

I caught sight of this bunch of flowers and found it pretty in a cute sort of way

I just love purple flowers.

I have no idea what this flower is call but i'm mesmerize by it.The pretty colour tones seems to make the flowers jump out .

Cute flower that looked like fireworks

Flowers on a cactus

Actually I didn't notice it at all until one girl refused to take picture with it and remarked loudly "Don't want the statue like Ah Gua!" I look and couldn't contain my laughter.Well i'll let you decide LOLz

A stroll through Panda's favourite food

Bursts of Orchids

Another Bee-tiful flower

Pot of gold amongst the flowers

"Mummy I want that pot of gold !!"

Boy : How long is this going to take ...
Girl : Just smile ...

This was the HUGE crowd of tourist who arrived just before we were leaving for Vivo City to get some lunch

hooray for escalators

It was a hot day and by the time we finished walking around the exhibit (Losing our way). We decided we had enough of the heat , sun and crowd SO Vivo City HERE we come ! Dinner was decided at Fig & Olives .
I wasn't particularly hungry so just had a Chocolate Fudge brownie . My friend had a sandwich .. can't remember which was the sandwich she had HAHAHA~

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