Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Some people can be so deft

I know some of my friends dun actually take the public transport to work and stuff.
I do. I have to take the public transport at the worst kinda timing where everyone is trying to get to work.... I never used to have this kinda problem when i'm working the Oddity hours at the pool. Now that i work the NORMAL hours .. i seriously get effing angry almost every morning, where somebody or someone just have to irk/annoy me.

I wish the train will gimme an option to emergency EJECT the annoying people out.
I don't know if any of you get irritated by the same kind of people or not but here goes.

1st) The DEAF
I'm not refer to the handicap kinda deaf. I'm refering to those deaf hippies who still insist on have blarring earphones in their head. you might say "Aiya people listening to their own music OK what..." ...
Let me tell you I'm perfectly fine if you are listening to your own music and music bashing your own ears and brain with a good earphone.
Its NOT OK when i'm sitting/standing like 3 to 5 seats/human space away and i can still hear clearly that you the deaf on is listening to Pussycat Dolls - Hush Hush Hush Hush. (Ok i like the song hush hush, but its not ok when i hear metal genre songs) YOU (the Deaf) MIGHT be proud that you are sharing your wonderful sense of music appreciation with the whole world. BUT PLEASE GET THIS, HOw the fuck would you feel if someone forces you to listen to classical music for 30mins?
I mean IS IT necessary to listen to the fucking MP3 on that loud a volume?? You are trying to stay deaf , I don't mind BUT please give me some peace and quiet?

2) The Biatch or Bastard
I super super dislike this kinda people and will try my best to help them throw their face whenever possible. This group of people are the shameless kind where everyone is trying keep close and hold the miserable pole but the biatch/bastard will just have to put their whole fucking body on the pole. WHY? WHY? WHY?
Its so pack! Spare a thought ? Oh i get it .. the group of people just don't have brains. NADA. ZILCH. no brain. Talk about such people also feel tired.

I'm tired LOLz blog again another time Pfftt..

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