Hahahaa I'm finally having a "snake" time at work... Finally after so many months of tolling and hair grabbing instances . I've finally found my balance. I was finally able to clear my email of 400+ accumulative email. Of cos my colleagues helped alot... but still its a medal worth feat LOLz.
To all my friends. How are you guys ? I know i've been very dormant for the past few months but i haven't had a choice. My days were just practically Work, Eat, Shit, Pee & sleep. Nothing more nothing less... it was so routinely boring that i wanted to gnaw my fingers off but i endured it and now i see the sunlight at the end of the tunnel i finally have time for facebook and even a stupid web base chinese fighting game which i found that my company did not block their server. ( they block their pic hosting server but not the game server) so i was entertaining myself with the martial art web clicking / html game. LOLz kinda numbing fun actually, will post a pic when I'm home to grab a nice screeni...
alright enough snaking ~ Toodoooluuus kiddos
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