Thursday, July 1, 2010


I'm feeling damn sentimental today.

Maybe it comes with age, I really don't know. (I'm not saying I'm OLD)  Everyone ages either gracefully or horribly…

I like to think I've aged gracefully but sometimes I do think I'm just a horrible hag >.<


Ok Ok back to the sentimental thingy.  I never had any stuff from Apple before so my iPhone was a first from their company.  Anyhow I still can't get used to their iTunes so ended up I sync my entire folder of music into my phone… (It was just 1 small folder of music not my entire database….)


There was these few songs that I haven't heard in like gazillion years suddenly turned up on my way to work. (I don't listen to radio because I will be underground half my trip on the MRT)

1st song that brought back my nasal feeling was Alex Toh � Baby Don't Go…

I was like WOW that's such an old oldddddd olddddddddddd song but it was still so 'right'.  During my younger era I definitely love Alex Toh (I mean his songs u dork).  Then I started to wonder… just exactly how long ago did this song actually come out? LOLz!!


2nd song I heard was Peter Cetera � Glory of Love. Ok Ok this wasn't exactly my era but I LOVED this song when I was around.. erm.. younger.. LOL…. Why did I like this song? Romantic la goons … Knight in Shining armor… blissfully ignorant… but it stills gets me in the romantic mood whenever I hear this song..


3rd song I heard was … 游鸿明 楼下那个女人 … I have no idea that I have this song in my folder…. That is just how long I haven't been clearing my folders :/


I'm pretty sure I will be hearing more of my "oldies"… I'm actually looking forward to it… heehee


So what songs have you heard recently that brings back fond memories?






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