Friday, July 2, 2010

Random Thoughts

Have you ever thought about throwing your phone away for just 1 day?

Well I wouldn’t even think about it but as fate has it… I was so forgetful that I left my phone on my bed and went to work one silly day.

I couldn’t tell the time.  I felt like I’ve forgotten a lot of other things along with my phone.  I was so bored on the train that I was literally staring into blank space doing & thinking of Nothing.  When I finally gather my brain back I was still a long way from destination…. Damn… super … bored….


I miss my phone immensely the entire day…. Wanted to talk to friends but couldn’t recall a single digit of their phone number… the only thing I can remember is the starting alphabet of their saved names on my phone’s phonebook…. Freak…


Would you remember your friend’s number?  I used to be able to roll out the numbers of my friends at the back of my tongue… now I get tongue tied.


I’m never gonna leave my cute lovable phone at home ever again.. I’m so gonna glue it to my palm… LOL joking la relac….


I realize I do everything on my iphone ever since I got it… I neglected my psp L… don’t worry psp I will use you soon…


I watch shows/mp4 on my phone.  I read books from my phone (Currently I’m reading Betrayed: A house of night).  I listen to music on my phone.  I play games on my phone.  I surf net on my phone.  I check mail on my phone. 


That about sums up my relationship with my iphone… hahahaha…



Today I didn’t know what struck me but I was thinking about growing old the whole day… its prolly because I saw crows feet at the corner of my eyes…. Sigh… its so good to be young and taut…. I feel so droopy… it might be because it’s a gloomy day…. Raining… doesn’t stop….  ARGHHH…


OK I’m a Gemini.  I have extremes thoughts I can be thinking of this 1 min and the other at the next min. So stop trying to tell me that my blogpost are so random and blabbering.  It’s a blog , Its supposed to be my rubbish bin. Its MY blog so I can write whatever I want and whenever I want. BITE ME. Sheesh.


Grr I wanna repaint my nails again today… my nail colors are peeling and it looks absolutely horrible.


It’s a chore to be a female. Bleh.


PS: Stop trying to understand my post. You will prolly be more confuse then I am.






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