Wednesday, March 6, 2013

M.A.C. Mall Madness Lipgloss (Archie's Girls Collection)

My first M.A.C. cosmetic.

I'm the kinda girl who seldom wear lip gloss but I fell in love with M.A.C. new limited edition series of Archie's Girls.  Going through reviews and vlog on this new collection, I fell in love with the "Veronica" colors! 
Finally after some nail biting and hair pulling I decided to splurge on one lipgloss. Some might say "Just get all the colors!".  My feelings for getting a lip gloss that is more expensive then my whole collection of lipstick put together is kinda daunting. I'm not getting any freebies out of this as well so I told myself to just get 1 and only 1.  One of the hardest decision I had to make because I would buy the entire collection if I would.  Anyway that's over and done with.

The packaging of the collections can only be describe as cute!  Archie's Comics were a huge part of my schooling days so I'm inevitably drawn to the collection one way or another.
Hearts Archie's Girls
 The color I chose to buy was Mall Madness.

Even the tube itself is pretty
It's actually kinda dark pinkish color which is slightly close to purplish with red shimmers.
Absolutely love it.  I have been wearing it for the past 2 days and frankly speaking the gloss texture is unlike the other glosses that I had. It just stays on without feathering past my lip line and the only time I had to touch up was after a meal.  So I'm pretty please with myself that I decided to splurge on it even though I know I might not be able to finish this tube of gloss.  Despite all this ... I have a notion of buying another color in this collection as well... arghhh...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Brand New Polishes for Sale

Hi Peeps!

Nail polishes for sale! LOLz.
I have extra from own personal spree, I already had these colors so i'm letting go of them heehees.
They are all Brand New.

1. China Glaze's Full Spectrum x1  (SGD $4.00)
2. China Glaze's Polarized x1  (SGD $4.00)
3. China Glaze's Liquid Crystal x1  (SGD $4.00)

You probably want to check out their colors by going here.

Prices Listed are inclusive of Normal Postage. (opting for Registered post will be an additional SGD $2.50)
Drop me an email isseysnowy[@]gmail[dot]com

Thanks ;)


Monday, April 11, 2011

My fight with blackhead .....

It's been a damn long time since I last updated my blog? I don't think it's even considered a blog anymore LOL~
But Who gives a flying ****? I don't hahaha~

Anyhow I'm blogging this on a whim so read if you want to or you can click the "little red X" at the top right corner :p

OKAYS! Down to the peeling stuff.

What exactly do you used for your blackheads?
I've tried numerous brands (exaggeration) But I chance upon some little tubes that helps me alot!

First up, always start with a cleanse face. It will be better if you can do a scrub too! Sorta cleans up dead skin cells. Though it's not a must. I started my "nose fight" regiment with just a cleansed face.

First : PDC Lepoze Hot Esthe Gel

I will then put this little baby one my nose. It has little black beads which will make the gel looks dirty.
I just have to keep rubbing this around the area where I have blackheads so that it will "open" up the pores.
This gel like texture will turn watery after a short while of rubbing, you will also feel a heated sensation after the black beads dissolve.
After which the watery substance can be wiped off with a tissue/cotton wool (which ever one you fancy).

Second : The Face Shop White Mud Nose Pack

This one beats all those nose pack / nose sheet hands down.
I Love this baby so much I will stock up if its on sale.
Anyhow apply generously around your nose area. I tend to spill a bit onto the area beneath my eyes.
Reasons for my generous application are that it is hard to find a good peel of mask that works for peeling off blackheads, this little tube cost like less then $12 or lesser when on sale so why stinge?
This tube last me for like more then 10 applications (generously splattered on).
I only use this for my nose as for me I've tried it on other part of my face like my cheeks and the area between my mouth and chin.... sadly doesn't work as well as it's on the nose.

Third : ZA T-Zone Peel Off Mask

Although this states that its T-Zone peel-off mask (obviously for the nose) I find that it doesn't work as well as The Face Shop White Mud Nose Pack.
But this little tube works wonders for other areas like the forehead, cheeks and chin area. What i like about this is that it also seems to "shrinks" the pores and it does wonders for those cheek's blackhead AND your facial hair!
Yes this mask is so strong that it even removes your facial hair.
It hurts when you peel this mask off.. but i guess the smoothness of having lesser facial hair makes up for the pain...
I don't really apply very generously with this tube as the mask is harder to dry and I'm not able to do a very even job of applying it so sometimes I will have parts of the mask dried and other parts still wet which is quite a hassle.
This mask has a very TIGHT pull when it dries so it MUST be removed once it dries.
But I'm satisfied with the result that it produces so I've been using it for quite a while.

And the result!

This one came from my nose. Oh My way of peeling this off is to start from the nostril area. Peeling it upwards.
I've tried peeling it from top down (from between eyes first) it doesn't gives me as much result as peeling it from bottoms up (from Nostril or two sides of the flare).
Note that this piece is very opaque which probably you can gauge how much I splatter on.

This one is from one side of my cheeks ... don't ask me which side... i forgot LOL~ but as you see there are also a number of blackheads/whatever shit being pulled out. I don't think you can see the facial hair tho...


PS: I'm not doing any advertorials. I'm just sharing somethings that I find that is a good buy. That's all.

Disclaimer: Results might differ on individuals.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Wants

My Wants:


I want to:

1)      Buy a portable player which plays RMVB files.

2)      Install some racks in my room

3)      Refurbish my old comps

4)      Put a sofa/lazy chair in my room

5)      Try shisha at least once in my life

6)      Stop procrastinating about cleaning my room

7)      Repaint my room

8)      Travel to Taiwan

9)      Go scuba diving @ Sipadan

10)   Have a yatch party

11)   Learn pilates / yoga

12)   Have the drive to go jogging/swimming everyday

13)   Travel to Golden Palm Tree Resort and lazy for a couple of days

14)   Have less crow’s feet around my eyes

15)   Have good memory

16)   Have enough savings for retirement


… Do I always get what I want?  I doubt… but I can always dream right? ..


A damn gloomy day.


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Friday, July 2, 2010

Random Thoughts

Have you ever thought about throwing your phone away for just 1 day?

Well I wouldn’t even think about it but as fate has it… I was so forgetful that I left my phone on my bed and went to work one silly day.

I couldn’t tell the time.  I felt like I’ve forgotten a lot of other things along with my phone.  I was so bored on the train that I was literally staring into blank space doing & thinking of Nothing.  When I finally gather my brain back I was still a long way from destination…. Damn… super … bored….


I miss my phone immensely the entire day…. Wanted to talk to friends but couldn’t recall a single digit of their phone number… the only thing I can remember is the starting alphabet of their saved names on my phone’s phonebook…. Freak…


Would you remember your friend’s number?  I used to be able to roll out the numbers of my friends at the back of my tongue… now I get tongue tied.


I’m never gonna leave my cute lovable phone at home ever again.. I’m so gonna glue it to my palm… LOL joking la relac….


I realize I do everything on my iphone ever since I got it… I neglected my psp L… don’t worry psp I will use you soon…


I watch shows/mp4 on my phone.  I read books from my phone (Currently I’m reading Betrayed: A house of night).  I listen to music on my phone.  I play games on my phone.  I surf net on my phone.  I check mail on my phone. 


That about sums up my relationship with my iphone… hahahaha…



Today I didn’t know what struck me but I was thinking about growing old the whole day… its prolly because I saw crows feet at the corner of my eyes…. Sigh… its so good to be young and taut…. I feel so droopy… it might be because it’s a gloomy day…. Raining… doesn’t stop….  ARGHHH…


OK I’m a Gemini.  I have extremes thoughts I can be thinking of this 1 min and the other at the next min. So stop trying to tell me that my blogpost are so random and blabbering.  It’s a blog , Its supposed to be my rubbish bin. Its MY blog so I can write whatever I want and whenever I want. BITE ME. Sheesh.


Grr I wanna repaint my nails again today… my nail colors are peeling and it looks absolutely horrible.


It’s a chore to be a female. Bleh.


PS: Stop trying to understand my post. You will prolly be more confuse then I am.






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Thursday, July 1, 2010


I'm feeling damn sentimental today.

Maybe it comes with age, I really don't know. (I'm not saying I'm OLD)  Everyone ages either gracefully or horribly…

I like to think I've aged gracefully but sometimes I do think I'm just a horrible hag >.<


Ok Ok back to the sentimental thingy.  I never had any stuff from Apple before so my iPhone was a first from their company.  Anyhow I still can't get used to their iTunes so ended up I sync my entire folder of music into my phone… (It was just 1 small folder of music not my entire database….)


There was these few songs that I haven't heard in like gazillion years suddenly turned up on my way to work. (I don't listen to radio because I will be underground half my trip on the MRT)

1st song that brought back my nasal feeling was Alex Toh � Baby Don't Go…

I was like WOW that's such an old oldddddd olddddddddddd song but it was still so 'right'.  During my younger era I definitely love Alex Toh (I mean his songs u dork).  Then I started to wonder… just exactly how long ago did this song actually come out? LOLz!!


2nd song I heard was Peter Cetera � Glory of Love. Ok Ok this wasn't exactly my era but I LOVED this song when I was around.. erm.. younger.. LOL…. Why did I like this song? Romantic la goons … Knight in Shining armor… blissfully ignorant… but it stills gets me in the romantic mood whenever I hear this song..


3rd song I heard was … 游鸿明 楼下那个女人 … I have no idea that I have this song in my folder…. That is just how long I haven't been clearing my folders :/


I'm pretty sure I will be hearing more of my "oldies"… I'm actually looking forward to it… heehee


So what songs have you heard recently that brings back fond memories?






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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Random Ramblings

Its been a very very very long time since I was just sick.

I've been coughing and sneezing for like 2 months already. Gimme a break!

The meds work for a while but the sickness keeps coming back due to my colleagues ARE all coughing and sneezing around me…. Arggghh it's like a game of tag.


I pass you, you pass me, we are one big family~


Grrrrrr…. New year's coming and this year … the gathering of my extended relativesssss will be held …… *drum rolls* yes at my house dammit.


I haven't got around to packing up my room!!! The horrors… Its one thing to have a messy room but its another thing to have some complete stranger looking at your room thinking that "wah this lady damn messy" … ok ok maybe I was exaggerating … not complete strangers … more like hi-bye relatives… Most of my extended family I'm not very familiar with except those that I grew up playing with…..


Ok digressing I better start clearing up my room… I mean hiding up my stuffs….


Work hasn't been too smooth sailing too… my boss keeps nitpicking on everything that I do. Even whether I end my emails with "Thank you" he wants to have a say in it.


*mimick Old Foogey's voice* :  "Randi, Why are you ending your email with thank you? We are not asking them for help! We dun need to thank each and everyone under the universe, OK ? *klacks* "

*me on the other line* : " ……………….."


Wtf… seriously? I couldn't even get a word in before he slams the phone. Talk about courtesy… talk about being humble. MAN this old foogey only shows all that when he is with someone with a higher post… ARGGGHHH

Piss me off more and one day before my contract ends I will send you an email signing off with F.U


Stupid old foogey.


ℓ♥۷ё  ,



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